Welcome to the Topic “How to See Your YouTube Comment History”
Likely, you don’t spend a lot of time monitoring the comments on your YouTube videos. Why, after all, would you do that? You most likely want viewers to concentrate on the material that is presented in your video rather than being sidetracked by those who criticize you. These days, it’s far easier to say something like that than it is to actually do it. When you have more than a billion users sharing videos daily, there is sure to be some inappropriate or offensive content.
However, this does not imply that you are required to tolerate bullying or harassment from complete strangers online. This post will teach you how to view the comment history for your YouTube channel, how to block and unblock commenters from your channel, and how to allow or deactivate public commenting on your videos based on your preferences.
If you are curious about the types of people who have been leaving comments on your channel, the simplest method to find out is to look through the comment history on your YouTube channel. This will allow you to observe who left what comments and the frequency with which they do so. Within the YouTube Creator Studio, you can access the history of your comments by going to the “Video Manager” page and selecting the “Comments” menu option from the drop-down list.
You may also discover who commented on a single video by selecting “View all X comments” from the “Comments” drop-down menu that is located next to that video. This will allow you to see who commented on that video. You may also check out the “Comment Trends” tab that is included under the “Video Manager” if you are interested in learning the frequency with which your viewers leave comments on your channel.
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Although the comment filtering feature on YouTube is quite robust, it is not perfect and cannot catch everything. There is a possibility that you will still be forced to interact with some extremely negative individuals on your channel. You will be happy to know that YouTube allows you to restrict and unblock comments on individual videos as well as on your channel as a whole.
When you block a remark, all that happens is that the user who posted it will no longer see your video when they are prompted to make a comment on another video. If you choose to block a commenter, they will also be unable to view any of your other videos on the channel. Simply click on the three dots that appear to the right of the comment, and then pick “Block [Username]” from the drop-down menu that appears. To unblock a user, navigate to the “Video Manager” page, click on the “Blocked” section, and then click the “Unblock” button.
You may also prevent people from commenting on your channel in general by going to the “Video Manager” page, clicking on the “Settings” menu item, then clicking on “General,” and then clicking on “Advanced.” This will take you to a page where you can disable comments. After that, you will have the option to select “Enable Comment Moderation,” which will enable you to prevent other users from leaving comments on your channel. To unblock users from your channel, go to the “Video Manager” page, click on the “Settings” menu item, and then select “Channel” from the drop-down menu that appears. From there, pick “Comment Moderation,” and next to the users whose comments you want to enable, click the “Unblock” button.
You have the ability to activate or disable public commenting on your videos at any moment. This gives you flexibility if you want to allow users to leave comments on your channel but are concerned about the possibility of abuse. You can also set up filters to filter out particular terms if you are concerned that your film will have many discussions that are irrelevant to the topic. On the “Video Manager” page, you will see a toggle labeled “Allow Comments” once you make public comments available to users. By clicking on this toggle, you will have the option to either enable or disable public commenting.
You can set up rules for filtering out comments by going to the “Video Manager” page, clicking on the “Comments” menu item, and then selecting “Moderation” from the drop-down menu that appears. You will then have the option to activate or disable your channel’s public comments once you reach that point. You also have the option to tick the checkbox labeled “Enable rules for new comments,” which gives you the ability to program rules that will automatically exclude specific terms from any comments you post in the future.
If you want your videos to be as interesting to watch as they can be, you need to be willing to interact with the people watching them. Unfortunately, opening up your channel to public commentary can also make it more accessible to malicious people who want to cause trouble.
YouTube, to its credit, provides its users with a wealth of options to counteract harassment and abuse. You have the ability to monitor your comment history to see who has been giving you negative comments, block and unblock users, and even enable or stop public commenting throughout your entire channel.
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